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To access your downloads outside the browser, click the “Start” button in the lower left corner of your screen and type “Downloads” in the search box that appears. In some cases, when downloading a file you may be presented with a pop-up dialog box asking if you want to Save the file or Run the file. If you select the Save option and can specify where to save the file you can choose the Desktop, Documents folder, or any other your music softwares and make a great music.just click on download now button and get your direct download link and just install.

Dear visitor please wait for few seconds and you’re file will start downloading automatically. We have also launched this platform to bring easy to follow installation guides for softwares.

Not every user is advanced in technical abilities. That’s why we have started this platform where we are putting How to install software video guides. Which are really easy to follow for newbies as well.

Let us know if any of your favourite software guide is missing. We’ll create that guide as soon as possible for you. So that you no longer face difficulties in installation of advanced softwares.

We store your requested files and resources on High performance Server. This platform is fairly new and we are in the process of developing tutorials for every application tool. We apologize if you cannot find any famous software guide.

So For example when you have database management software we will also post a short tutorial on how to configure and install DBMS etc. This setup video guide will be simple and understandable by a layman user. You can have all sorts of Developer and Engineering Software Guides, Programming IDE and 3D CAD Designing Applications as well.

We test every application before posting it. Once we make sure it is working then we add this to our resources. This is really a hard task but we want to accept this challenge. Because now a days everyone gives scrap of software but no one gives high quality educational and engineeering tools.

We also scan files in antivirus before posting. Because we respect your PC Security.. With the increasing rate of malware around the globe we wanna make sure that our files are clean. Your PC safety is our top priority. You can verify from our site as well. We removed couple of tools which were reported as malware.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you find any dead or broken links. Let us know, Your feedback is highly appreciated.